Sunday, January 3, 2010


Doing lots of maintenance or organizing. The sewing room looks great. Neil is a God send. I am so lucky that he is my husband. He is so patient, smart, organized and doesn't get flusstered (sp?) too easily. Me on the other is quite different, I get overwhelmed easily, not very organized about some things, no patience well thats not quite true. I do have patience with everything but me.

Maintenance also means maintenance of me. It gets old, shave the legs, the pits, was and pluck and I also have to dye my hair. Again. I get so sick of it. I do it myself cause I don't want to spend the money. I get so sick of my hair. I want to try and get my hair like Diane Sawyer. The problem is will I have the patience (see!!) to let it grow. It looks kind of easy to maintain but is it really. Now I want to know what her hair looks like when she is not on air or in public. Does she ever look yucky. Does she ever bad hair days and when she does what does her hair look like.

Unfortunately, working at home gives me the excuse to have bad hair days every day. I can go to work in my pajamas, no makeup, no shower, and just look like crap. Not good for me. I really have to get out of this house and work and see people. Anyhow what does she look like without maintenance.

I look like my mother. I wonder if I can stretch my neck so it looks long. There must be some thing on an infomercial that has neck stretchers.

Oh well, tomorrow is another work day. Blah!!

Come on PCH I can use the 10 million dollars

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