Saturday, January 16, 2010

I want to be an astronaut when I grow up.

We went to the McAuliffe Planetarium with Mason my grandson today. When I was a kid I watch the moonwalk and I said I was going to be an astranaut. Well that didn't work but I love the idea and adventure of discovering the wide open space and infinite possibilities of outer space.

Unfortunately, it didn't happen because I was not a top student,didn't have the discipline and there was no way I told anyone.

There was lots of things I wanted to do, teach, surf, sing, sing well. I did teach but not a certified teacher, surf, um no I can't swim. Sing unfortunately no. I really would like to sing well.

But going into space. If I had 20 million, I would go up with the Russians. If I had 30k, I would buy a plain ticket for the first ride. But I don't. I don't know when it will ever happen.

So discovery excites me but giving up is part of me. I want for it to be easy and of course it isn't. I can give up to easy or get frustrated because I am not able to and I give up. I hate looking stupid or feeling insecure or inferior. For crying out loud, I am 55 years old, get over it allready.

But I do have to say I am more adventerous than some. I did jump out of a plane on my 31st burthday. I do like trying new things, I have lived in different parts of the country. But I have put stop signs on things I would like to do. I want to ballroom dance, salsa dance, sing sing sing, I want to take cooking lessosns. I will go to Italy one day and travel the country side, eat, and damn it have a pair of shoes made for me. They will cost plenty but I will. Maybe I will live in Italy, I will learn to speak the language. I will have a great adventure. Maybe not out of space but it will be wanderful and exciting.

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