Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Feeling helpless

I am watching Anderson Cooper who is in Haiti about the devastating earthquake. There are people who are dead in the streets. People lost everything homes, loved ones. They don't have the basics like water. Imagine not having enough water to drink. I have to force myself to drink water. It sounds so strange, that I don't drink enough and there are people who are desparately looking for water to drink.

What is going to happen to these people. What about people who are dead, the disease and more devastation. I watch and think what can I do to help? Nothing, give a few dollars, so what. I feel like I should be doing something. I want to take some of these people and feed them, let them bathe and hold them while they cry. But no all I can do is watch the horror on TV and know there is nothing, not a damn thing I can do.

I hate feeling helpless. I remember years ago with the War in Kosovo, I wanted to go there and help but of course I couldn't.

I do get so angry when I see people taking advantaqe of others. They start rumors,so people will leave there things and they steal what little people have. That is behavior that I don't understand.

I didn't understand it whenit happened in New Orleans either. It just pisses me off. How dare they steal from their own people and take advantage of others, when they are in such a bad place.

May GOD be with them

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