Thursday, February 11, 2010

Junk food junk food, I know I know its not good for me

Food foodand more food. I love thinking about it, cooking it and eating it and it doesn't have to be fancy or expensive. This morning I went to the grocery store to get ingredients to make a chocolate raspberry cheesecake. I bought it except the damn preserves but I came out with Archway cookies strawberry and raspberry, cheetos and chips and coffee cake. I just love this stuff. I love the orange on my fingers, the grease from the chips. What can I say about sugar. I just love it. Of course sugar is with butter, hell sugar and butter how can someone go wrong. ITS BAD for me. Why the hell is that? Why can't I eat sugar, butter when I want and how much I want damn.

Then there is chocolate. What can I say about chocolate. The light milk chocolate which is sweet is good and smooth but no depth. I always did like milk chocolate but now I love dark chocolate. Dark chocolate has layers. The first taste can be a little bitter, then the meling begins and it covers my tongue and carresses it an its rich. Chocoalte can be fun like m&m's, raisins or nuts. Decadence chocolate is with hazlenuts, caramel, cherries.

I remember the first time I had chocolate covered cherries. My grandmother came to visit when we were kids. I bought her a box and she put it in her drawer and I would steal one. It was forbidden but so worth stealing and eating. Good food, decadent food, food not good for me is forbidden but sometimes so worth sneaking it and eating it.

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